Saturday, August 4, 2012

Coming down the home stretch!

Last night I was just too tuckered out to blog.  It was a hectic day at work and we were sending out a mass mailing to all the rural areas in Monroe County since we started campaigning there first 3 months ago and I thought a reminder of my qualifications might be a good idea.    Rick ran to all the different post offices dropping off the mailers so everyone would get my mailer today.  Then, I was finishing up the thank you cards to everyone who has my sign in their yard.  About 150 of them. 
Saturday found us going to a fundraiser in Stoutsville then a couple of VERY successful stops in Monroe City.  (More on that on Monday).  So this week I campaigned in Holliday one night, Madison the next night, Paris the next and Stoutsville and Monroe City today.   I wanted to be seen in all the major areas the last week of campaigning.  Lots of miles on the vehicle this week.  And I am happy to report that the duct tape is still holding!  The parts for the repair are being ordered.
Tonight was the last speaking event before the election.  It was on the courthouse lawn and it was really hot and not a lot of air movement.  YUCK.  I think the weather kept a lot of peope away.  There were a lot more of the candidates there to speak tonight.   My opponent read her speech off of cards not really offering much information but just talking a lot.  I told everyone how grateful I was for the support from my husband and my friends and even people that I do not know well.  The support I have been shown has really touched my heart.  I then said, "I am sure there were some of you that wondered if I could really get the office computerized.  I have done that and then some, so if you needed proof, just look at the office now."  I also explained how my computer experience gives me a decided advantage in knowing what has to be done to protect the county's money.  I told them how I check every single bank account under my care everyday to make sure that everything looks okay.  I also told them that one of my next improvements will be to start balancing everyday and not just once a month and that I knew that this was a necessary next step because of the expereince I had to draw from.  I also asked them to "please" vote for me on August 7th because my mother taught me manners.  Overall I was serious when talking about guarding the county's money but also lighthearted and upbeat for the rest.  I think it went okay.  Afterwards there was an auction to benefit the Paris Senior Center and I think they raised a good amount of money.  We, of course, bought a couple of things.  All in all a very good day.
For the next three days I will need lots of prayers.  We have a busy schedule tomorrow and I have no idea what Monday or Tuesday is going to bring. 
Powell for Treasurer 2012
Vote for Continued Progress - VOTE Powell