Thursday, August 9, 2012

Ya know, ya put those things out a few here one day and a few there...

the next time out...but when it comes to picking up the signs, YIKES!  Two solid 9 hour days picking those blasted things up.  People don't want those things in their yard in the first place.  Those that are kind enough to allow it deserve to have them taken up ASAP.  We drove 166 miles in Monroe County today alone.  Started at 9:30 and got back to the house at 7:00 and then had to box those suckers up.  Whew!  Glad that's done!  I could never have completed it without help from some wonderful people.  Thank you!  I am beginning to feel like I can get my life back but I still have a couple of loose ends to tie up.   Oh, and the parts have been ordered to repair the deer damage on the car.  Still in all I have so much to be thankful for. 
Mary Lynn Powell