Worked as usual today. Had a lot of people stop by to let me know that they had absentee voted for me. That is always nice. But still, there is no guarantee on this. I hope the people that thought I had it in the bag and didn't vote last time get off their butts and make sure they vote this time. At this point I have to give it to God and ask that it be His will that I win tomorrow, in Jesus name, Amen. If not, then I pray for the strength and grace to deal with the dissapointment. No matter what, I have a LOT of people that helped me so much I owe them a debt of gratitude that I don't know how to repay. I sent out thank you notes to everyone who has shown me that support and we will also have a party for everyone who has helped. Rick wants to smoke some ribs for them. :+)
Holding my breath!
As always, all prayers are appreciated!
Powell for Treasurer 2012
Vote for Continued Progress - Vote Powell