...compels me to remind everyone about the Perseid Meteor shower that is going on the next three nights. Translation, lots of shooting stars so get you butt outside tonight and look up at the show that God is putting on for us. It can be up to 60 meteors an hour, little ones that are quick and big one's that change colors streaking across the sky. That's up to one a minute folks so, I repeat, get your butt out there and look up! Okay, now the nerd in me feels better. And the other thing I wanted to reflect on tonight is comfort food. Specifically, for me today, it was icecream. Five scoops from the Paris Exchange. Yes, just for me and I ate it all. Everyone else got their there own. Amber was just laughing at me. But I had to get it out of my system and hey, I'm down 19 pounds from campaigning in the heat! I'm just glad I didn't go buy a half gallon. It would not have stood a chance. LOL
Mary Lynn Powell