Things at the office have been going very well. First, I will be finishing up my sixth month of closing the books both manually and using the new software program. It is twice the work right now, but this is a necessary step when going from manual books to computer books. I balance to the penny every month and all monies are in their proper place. Second, I am getting ready for my first 6 month "Treasurer's recapitulation" (which balances the last 6 months overall and compares the numbers to the budget) using the new computer software. The more prepared I am for the end of this month the better. And third, there are the last two policies (Internal Control Policy and Collateralization Policy) which the county should have in place to be compliant with State Statutes. I have submitted the Internal Control Policy to the Commissioners for their signature and hopefully they will sign it soon.
I always work with Monroe County's best interests in mind. The bottom line is I love what I am doing. I love helping anyone who comes to my office. I have really enjoyed learning the job of Treasurer, converting the books to computer and learning the State Statutes which we are required to follow. Because I am able to directly enter the data from daily transactions that the Treasurer's Office perfoms, I no longer have to purchase those expensive ledger pages. I was very happy to save that money. :-))) More improvements are on the way!
Powell for Treasurer 2012
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