Friday, June 29, 2012

Paul Quinn's Fundraiser

Paul Quinn is our State Representative and he is up for election this year also.  He is an extremely nice Irish Catholic young man who does not have a political agenda.  His agenda is what is best for Missourians and he's always willing to listen and truely cares about making Missouri better for us, our kids and our grandkids.  So, tonight after work, we went campaigning on the way to Paul's fish fry.   I even got another sign out which was nice.  I just wish I felt better.  Still trying to mend from the stomach flu last weekend.   I made it to all the important engagements scheduled for this week, but just barely.  It was nice to sit in the air conditioning tonight and enjoy a great meal with friends and supporters.  As soon as we got home I went straight to the garden to give it some water and TLC before the sun went down.
Powell for Treasurer 2012
VOTE for Continued Progress - VOTE Powell