Saturday, June 9, 2012

Dinner at the Dry Dock....

...and then we hit the road.  We have been going to the Dry Dock since we moved here in 95.   We have seen it go through many owners but Hank has done the best with the place.  The food is wonderful and you can get a great meal there anytime.  Rick and I highly recomend this eating establishment.  Afterwards, we hit the road doing gravel and blacktop.  I ran across one voting Monroe Countian who commented, "Thank you for coming so far out to introduce yourself to us, no one ever comes out here."  At another house a young woman said "You must really want to keep your job if you're campaigning way out here."   What can I say?  They're right!  I'll do whatever it takes, even going to the ends of the gravel, to find voters and say Hello.    We put out a few more signs and had good encounters with everyone.  Many people remember when I came by their house 2 years ago.   I guess I left an impression of one kind or another.    :-)
Powell for Treasurer 2012
VOTE  for Continued Progress - VOTE Powell