Saturday, May 19, 2012

Armed Forces Day

On this special day I would again like to say THANK YOU to everyone who serves or has served this country.  It is because of you that I have the freedoms I do today.  This pic is from a Welcome Home Party for Vietnam Veterans that was held this spring at Mark Twain Lake.  It was on a day that I also did a 2 mile walk in Monroe City to raise money for the senior nutrition center, hence the t-shirt I am wearing (normally I would have been in red, white and blue).  I am with Rick and Holly, a friend of ours who is in the Patriot Guard.  She and her husband, Vern, are very proud to be members of that effort.  It was good to see them as well as take a moment to thank the veterans for their service to our wonderful country.  Rep. Shiveley and Judge Bringer also came to salute the Vietnam Veterans.  It was a wonderful, and long overdue, welcome home party. 
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