Tuesday, April 17, 2012
The weekend was busy was usual.
We had friends from St. Louis visit for the weekend. They brough their new puppy, Scooter, with them. He really enjoyed the farm. We brought our friends to the FBLA fundraiser breakfast on Saturday morning. Afterwards, I spent the afternoon wiping down my signs while our company fished. I have one-hundred signs left from the last election. Got them all cleaned up. On Sunday we went to church and then to the fundraiser breakfast for Monroe City Community Betterment. It was a brunch with all the fixins and very good. Tom Shiveley, State Rep., was there with his lovely wife. It was very nice to talk with him again. He is also campaigning this year. I then spent the afternoon putting the wires into my signs so I am all ready to go when sign time comes. I lead such an exciting life, but I am well fed. :-)