Sunday, April 22, 2012
Here we go again!!!
To those that supported me during my last election, I truly appreciated it. I had to work a little harder for the job of Treasurer, but it was definately worth it. I have been a busy little bee for the last 11 months getting the office organized the way I prefer to have it set up and most importantly computerizing the Treasurer's Office. When I ran for this office I tried to let everybody know that I was prepared for this challenge and although it has not been easy, I have slowly but surely moved the office into the 21st century. There is still much work to be done and more improvements on the way. I believe there is always room for improvement. Rick and I have also been very busy the last 11 months going to all of the church dinners and donating to the local organizations that have fundraisers, bake sales, etc. We feel very strongly about supporting our community.
Powell for Treasurer 2012